Archive for November, 2006|Monthly archive page

Alternative Processes | Sabatier

Alternative Processes | Sabatier, originally uploaded by brad|gillette.

The Sabatier process is often mistakenly referred to as “solarization.” In actuality, these are both distinctly different processes. Solarization occurs while the film is still in the camera. It results when film is overexposed to the point that the silver halide crystals have been completely saturated with light, which means it has reached “gamma infinity”. When this occurs, the crystals with the most exposure begin to reverse themselves. A good example of this is in a print where while everything else appears normal, the sun is a deep black. The Sabatier process however, is done entirely during the printing stage, with no special exposure of the film necessary. In the simplest of terms, it is when you re-expose the paper with light halfway through the development process. This results in the darker areas of the final print being rendered as normal, while the lighter areas are reversed.

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xmas @ the gardens

xmas @ the gardens, originally uploaded by Jeffrey K.



Jane, originally uploaded by Rudy Malmquist.

sometimes, its not the technically perfect shots that are the best, its the ones where you can experience someone else.

Me and my Forest Friends | 1

Me and my Forest Friends | 1, originally uploaded by brad|gillette.

sometimes you just need to have some freaky fun with photography……

lets hope this wasn’t done at work. =)

grand rapids

grand rapids, originally uploaded by Jeffrey K.


fall sunset

fall sunset, originally uploaded by monitorpop.

None too often do we see photos from monitorpop, but when we do, it’s definitely a treat.

Rollei R3 Tests Update

Flash Bulb, originally uploaded by brad|gillette.

I have been experimenting with Rollei’s R3 black and white film, and have so far developed two rolls. One at ISO 200 in their Low Speed Developer, and the other at ISO 400 in their High Speed Developer (Amalco AM-74). So what are my initial impressions?

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Grand Rapids Magazine

Cute Photographer, originally uploaded by powerbooktrance.

Terry Said:

Well I kept this a secret long enough… today Katie and myself had a photo shoot with a photographer from the Grand Rapids Magazine. They approached me a few weeks back for an article, yes a featured article in a publication, and I jumped at the chance. It seems that our little group is not so little anymore and we are getting good press and major word of mouth. I’m sure some of this comes from what a few of us did for the GR Marathon and our many Blues on the Mall events. I will post more details as I get them. The theme of today’s photo shoot was the Grand Rapids group founders chilling at Four Friends with our photo swag and portable computers. Good times… I hope the photographer’s camera made me look skinny or I will stab a bitch!

…more to follow.

Crowder toe tappin’

Crowder toe tappin’, originally uploaded by numstead.



uploaded by sistercat